Summer 2020 a Month in Review

July/August 2020 Month in Review

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Summer 2020 has come and gone in a flash, the time spent with family has been incredible. We’ve had many great adventures including two cottage rentals, camping at Grundy Lake Provincial Park and Restoule Provincial Parks, almost daily family bike rides, and time spent with our new puppy, Olly.

It’s safe to safe that COVID has had a terrible impact on so many things, but the silver lining, in our household at least, is that it has brought us closer together and made us realize how the simple adventures are often the best ones.

What’s interested me?

More than anything, I have been fascinated by the impact COVID will have on the future of work. I have often felt that by the time we have transit fully built out in Toronto that it may no longer be required. It seems everywhere I turn these days I hear stories of businesses exploring a permanent switch to work from home, and reevaluating their lease expenses. I decided to go deep on this subject in my post, the Business Benefits of Embracing Work From Home.

What did I learn this summer?

I have been continuing my progression through the edX Core Curriculum Micro Masters Program and the Global Business Strategy course in particular. This course focuses on understanding strategy, the role of onstage and backstage advantage and the steps required to taking a companies product lines global.

What I’ve enjoyed most about this course is the thought process behind globalizing the value chain, such as identifying which of the companies capabilities are alpha, beta, and gamma, and the intrinsic role outsourcing plays on maintaining competitive advantage.

What else have I written this summer?

Three posts went up throughout the summer, including Engaging A Multi-Generational WorkforceFour Critical Drivers That Ensure IT Project Success, and the Business Benefits of Embracing Work from Home.

I also wrote several posts for my triathlon focused blog. The first set of articles explore my journey to becoming a finisher of multiple half-ironmans. In the seconds set I talk about my adventures as a first-time bikepacker, completing the 160km Simcoe County Loop Trail, and the 330km Cannonball 300.

What am I most obsessed with?

I have never been a writer, or even interested in writing. COVID has made it very difficult to connect with people, so I decided to try my hands at creating original thought leadership content. By creating this blog, I hope to enable my customers to better connect with me, while also motivating me to explore the subjects that interest me in detail.  

As I worked on this blog, I realized that I’ve always enjoyed reading blogs written by other amateur triathletes and runners. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I too have a story to tell and with that I created

What has surprised me the most about writing is just how much I enjoy it. I think its safe to say that eight years ago, I wasn’t a runner, now running and triathlon are both an intrinsic part of my identity. I am pretty sure that eight years from now, I will look back and remember the time I wasn’t a writer.

Thanks for reading,


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